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Where: Rochester Institute of Technology
Term: Fall 2017
Project Description
“The Fall” is a short animated feature with the moral element “Vanity is a façade that will eventually lead to a man’s downfall”; The short feature is based on the events that happen during the transition from Spring to Fall and Fall to Winter. There are two types of trees - Evergreen tree (Magnolia) and Deciduous Tree (Maple).
My Role: Programmer, 3D Modeling Artist, and Storyteller
I have used Unity3D Software and its packages to build the terrains and tree models. To customize the Maple and Magnolia tree, I used different textures and modeled them such in Adobe Photoshop CC such that they fit appropriately for each season. I have used Particle System extensively to depict the clouds, falling leaves, rain, and snow. Added camera animation that signifies the movement of the bee that is flying around the terrain. I have also written C# scripts for some more functionalities like rising and setting of the sun. I have developed both the story and visual concept of the feature. I have depicted the mood of the scene through the background music that plays as the camera pans in and out of the scene. The story is narrated as a journey of a happy go lucky bee that lives from Spring through Winter. The theme of the story has been narrated in a poetic form through voice-over.
Technical: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Unity3D
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