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Rendering Lights and Shadows in Augmented Reality
Term: Spring 2018
Project Description
Experiment with Lighting and Shadows in Augmented Reality world using Unity to achieve realistic lighting that provides a vivid visual. Since my focus is on light and shadows, I incorporated a Disco light concept.
My Role: Programmer and 3D Modeling Artist
I used Unity and Vuforia Augmented Reality SDK which is an Augmented Reality Software Development Kit for mobile devices that enables the creation of Augmented Reality Applications. I used a shader that was a Vertex Fragment Shader that receives the shadows and renders them in real time. I created the models in Maya and imported them into Unity. I have also added flickering lights functionality for every 0.2 seconds after setting up the lights in the scene accordingly. The object is placed on the Image Target. There is a transparent Mesh underneath the models that is mapped with the shader and we made the mesh transparent so that it looks like the shadows are falling on the real world and not on any mesh. I added a sound clip to the AR Camera so that it plays when the scene is played.
Technical: Autodesk Maya, Unity3D, Vuforia
Terrain Game in Unity
Term: Summer 2017 (Personal Project)
Project Description and Role
Developed this basic game while learning Unity's basics. The player cube changes color and size as it encounters a sphere obstacle while traversing through the terrain. I learnt how to transform the cube's position, scale and material on colliding with another game object. My interest also lay in designing the terrain.
Technical: Unity3D
Bullet Simulation in Unity
Term: Summer 2017 (Personal Project)
Project Description and Role
Developed this basic game while learning Unity's basics. The player sphere is a gunn that shoots bullets at the cube targets. I learnt the concept of RigidBody while designing this game.
Technical: Unity3D
Clock Simulation in Unity
Term: Summer 2017 (Personal Project)
Project Description and Role
Simulation of a Clock with hours, seconds and minutes hand.
My learnings included
1. Learn what is a GameObject?
2. Learn what is an empty GameObject and child of empty GameObject
3. Creating a GameObject, empty GameObject and children of empty GameObject
4. Learning about variables and access modifiers
5. Learning how to attach a script to the game object and referencing game objects to the script variables
6. Use of update method
7. Learning how to retrieve the System time
8. Understanding the Quaternion class
Nucleus Generation in Unity
Term: Summer 2017 (Personal Project)
Project Description and Role
Simulation of a Clock with hours, seconds and minutes hand.
My learnings included:
1. Learn what is a Prefab and creating a prefab
2. Learn how to create a new Material
3. Learning how to attach a script to the game object and referencing game objects to the script variables
4. Use of awake method
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